Wednesday 14 May 2008

Ok, today was BM and Sejarah paper one.
I have to admit, the night before I couldnt study...not because I didnt wanna, just coz, I was studying BM. Yes, I neglected by sejarah-so u can imagine how my sejarah was. It was 50-50. I so have to make up for it for paper two tomorrow. thankfully there's paper two. love the paper two. and tomorrow there's english so inotherwords, tonight is just sejarah ALL THE WAY BABEH!

I helped Nic and Alex out with BM and Mabel photocopied my HARD WORK OF NOTES WHICH I DID BBY MYSELF. If she gets higher in novel for me for the exam, i'd be sad wei!
Ivan and I make such good exam buddies *gives a you-know-what-Im-saying-eivanne look*

And I'm eating baby foood!
I'm so gonna eat them on a regular basis.
Well, Braces still hurt, baby food is good, so I guess at the moment everything is good.

I'm watching and indian show now and the lady cooking is sooo freaking adorabale!

"Hoowe to tell-e if the prawins are-e coooked. They vill bekom hard and rvound"



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